Friday, January 25, 2013


My next adventure! I've been in the studio cranking out canvases like crazy for my show-A collaboration with the spoken word artist Urban Voodoo. This is a pretty big deal being sorta my first solo show-Barbara close is sharing the gallery with me Thank God-i is huge-here's a piece form the show about Trayvon Martin a nd the many young black men killed recently.

Here are the details-I know a lot of you are not nearby but if you are won't you join me for the reception?-Its gonna be a stone gas honey!-spoken word performances, Live painting, special vocal stylings  hosted by IMPACC!

Lisa Engelbrecht
Barbara Close
Cultural Alliance of Long Beach 562-436-3421, cell 562-331-4055

Cultural Alliance of Long Beach and Publishing Urban Words presents.... Wordz In Motion: A Celebration of the Beauty of Expression Through Art and Poetry. Featuring Spoken Word Artist UrbanVoodoo and the Inkwell Collective with Classical Calligraphy Artist Lisa Engelbrecht and the works of lettering artist Barbara Close, the exhibit will meld contemporary urban spoken word with the practice of Calligraphy to produce powerful statements on contemporary culture. The Society for Calligraphy, Southern California will demonstrate hand lettering and participants will be able to make bookmarks and cards.

The opening reception will be held on Saturday, February 2 beginning at 5 p.m. at the Bungalow Art Center at 737 Pine Avenue in downtown Long Beach with family activities and an open mic for youth from 5 – 7p.m., a reception from 7 – 8p.m. featuring open mic performances by local spoken word enthusiasts. Spoken word performances by local artists will begin at 8p.m. and local cellist Darius Gottleib will accompany UrbanVoodoo on his poem, Little Andre.  The exhibit continues through February 24, with gallery hours Wednesday – Friday, from 4 – 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday from noon – 5 p.m.  For questions on Cultural Alliance of Long Beach, call 562-436-3421

Saturday, January 19, 2013


CC sadlers!

Only the beginning of eats!!
Sandy Doerrs!
I know its been quiet but here is a peek at the fun fun night that was had at my house last week! 15 crazy women came and laughed , made art and toasted to the cry ART! numerous times! It was so much fun-my lovely daughter Kris doled out tempting morsels after morsel -and then Linda Mirth provided the cupcakes! Here is some of the art created-PLUS much more on the flickr page at the right here-click it! There will def be a summer edition of this-maybe outside on the patio!

-many things coming up ( Like my show on Feb. 2!) so stay tuned!